Prepare for Durbin 2.0

How to use your 1st party data to drive growth for your community FI

More NII
Lower CAC
Higher LTV

Find tomorrow's growth in today's data

Hidden in your customer data is the roadmap to growing your customer revenue and lowering the cost of acquiring you most profitable customers.

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Using our guide you can

  • Use the strategy and methods employed by the top growing banks and credit union that are your size
  • Leverage the same approach used to double acquisition rate while keeping marketing costs flat.
  • Build a process for sustainable growth with acquisition costs that are a fraction of the industry average

Don't let regulation carve out the growth of your FI.

How it works

1. Download our guide

2. Apply the 3 frameworks

3. Take advantage of the clear path your data provides

Our guide takes all the research and guess work out of developing a way forward based on your own proprietary information to get ahead.

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Everyday you wait is an opportunity lost!

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